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Gedichte über Veränderung, Selbstreflexion und Zeit seit 2014

And you became terrified when you found out that I’m not only an angle but also have wings. '16


You’ll always be too much of anything for anyone. Too much loud, too quick, too happy, too sad, too nice, too cold, too pretty, too ugly, too boring, too strange. And you can try to change it, to be less of everything, but the only thing you’ll become is nothing. And do you want to be nothing? So don’t try to change. Be yourself as much as you can and find the one who is able to love this you, someone who learns to love every part of you, every single „too much“. '16


Guess I’ve come to the point where I have to admit that I’m just in love with the idea of what you could be

I know you could make it

But I’m starting to wonder if it’s just me who wants you to be saved

You’re asking if I’ll stay

I’m nodding but we both can tell I’m long one feet in the door

I’m taking a look back to what we used to call home thinking that the sleeping room isn’t half a mess as you are

Do you know those lovers who are always broke but love and art makes them survive?

I always dreamed we could be one of them

And we probably were

Except that you wasted everything not just our money '19.

Manchmal stehst du in der Küche, kochst Tee und während der Wasserkocher zischt, bricht alles über dich hinein: Alles, was du vorher schon geahnt hast, macht mit einem Schlag Sinn. Nicht gut, nicht schlecht, nur krass. '20

It’s in your hands - and only in yours - to live the life you want to live. '20


She was a little bit lost and anyone could see that, still she wore it like something magic. Like someone who had once wings but now they were broken while so many of us didn’t even try to walk. '18


I would have colored the moon with you, but you’d rather sit at home complaining how small the world is. '18

Auf der Suche nach dem Glück, wurde ich unglücklich.

Bei dem Versuch, jemanden zu finden, in dem ich mich wiederfinde, verlor ich mich selbst.

Bei dem Streben danach, geliebt zu werden, vergaß ich ein wenig, wie man liebt.

Bei den Bemühungen, ein ehrlicher Mensch zu sein, verlernte ich ein wenig, zu vertrauen.

Bei den Anstrengungen, ein guter Mensch zu sein, ignorierte ich, das mein Inneres schlecht behandelt wurde. Vor allem von mir selbst.

Durch meinen Willen, andere zu heilen, zerstörte ich mich selbst.

Als ich verlor, was ich dachte, zu lieben, fand ich mich. '14

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